Just a little epic knitting and epic looking into the distance...
Challenge: To learn how to knit and to knit a scarf in a week.
Difficulty: 1/5
Skills developed: Learned how to cast on, cast off and basic knitting.
Overview/Rant: The earliest example of knitting dates back to Egyptian times in the form of decorative socks... which probably lead to the first (and worst) fashion mistake of the millennium.
So Friday night I had completed this much with one ball of wool...
This of course left me with a little dilemma- I only had one other ball of wool and there was no chance of me getting to the wool shop to buy more (plus- €7 a pop! F*8k that) so I had to wave goodbye to the aptly named Scarf 1.0 and welcome in a new era of scarf... it'd be sleeker and thinner than before with only 15 stitches to a line.
But I was running out of time... I needed something to motive me... something to give me drive... that something came in the form of...
I was ready... I knitted... my god I knitted...
Then I went to a mates house for drinks...
Then I knitted drunk...
After several minutes, of what can only be described as 'epic-ripping-the-shit-outta-Steve,' my friends (who are so understanding of my choices in life...) decided to come up with knitting puns on famous films/songs/people/things...
Casablanket / Wool Metal Jacket / Harry Potter and the Stitch / Lilo and Stitch / Dances with Woolves / Sow Patrol / Knitty O' Shea / Superstichus / Judge Thread / Knitting Hill / Knitty Knity Bang Bang / Knitwits / The Thin Blue Twine / Heard it through the Grapetwine / Lady in Thread / Knitty Women / Jeremy Needle / Aknitomy of Murder / Grey's Aknitomy / Robert Patternson / Twinelight / Good Wool Hunting / Wool Smith / Hey Yanrold / Yarnold Swatsnegar / The Land Before Twine / The Twining / Knit-up and Wool-ups / Alfred Stitchcock / Stitchy and Scracthy / Last of the Summers Twine / Where's Wooly / Wooly Harrilson / Wooly Allen / Woolfred Owen / Ragin Wool / Come Twine With Me / A F Wool / Wooliver's Travels / Wooliver Punkknit
I awoke the next morning/afternoon and 'hangover' I did have (english good speak yes?)... I picked up the scarf which had mysteriously dropped one stitch... to 14 stitches... do I stay on with the 14 stitches and hope that that missing stitch will not come back to bite me in the ass?
No... for a stitch in time... saves nine... *sigh*
I undid everything I'd done the drunken night before. I went back and found the missing stitch... the lucky son-of-a-stitch was reunited with his fellow stitches and together we finished scarf 2.0... Suffice to say...
So I present to you... Scarf 2.0...
Bored now with having completed my challenge... I then pondered the different fashion statements on could make with a sexy hand knitted scarf... this lead to my next digression...
The 'Fonz'
The 'Rambo'
The 'Chamber Maid'
And lets not forget 'Jordi' from Star Trek
Hardest parts: Cast on and cast off. That is all. The rest is just awesome. I gave this challenge 1/5 cus it was simple and enjoyable- THAT SAID... I only knitted a scarf and I'm betting knitting anything non-rectangular shaped would be much harder.
Recommendation: DO IT.
Conclusion: Love it. Expect to get knitted related gifts this Christmas!
Special Thanks: Mum for the knitting assistance. Susan Doyle for the inspirational idea. Thanks to Margaret and Killian McCarthy who offered their assistance and equipment. Thanks also to DaLLan, Brendan, Celina, Erin, John, Kirsten and Alfla for their pun related goodness.
Next challenge: Fitness February is beginning- starting with me getting fit enough to get into the army... or pass their requirements to get in... read more at:
Random thoughts:
YAY STEVE! Brilliant.
ReplyDeleteThanks LovelyDisco... oh how I miss your beat...
ReplyDeleteOkay- SLIGHT change of plan peoples- the ARMY training on is postponed until Feb 15th as I don't really have time to properly attempt it this next two weeks and it looks like fun so I want to give it a proper go.
So- the new challenge is as follows... I'll do my best to explain it...
TONIGHT - MONDAY - I do the following... with a 1 minute break in between each...
*Most situps in a minute
*Most pushups in a minute
*Most tricep lifts in a minute
*Most pull ups in a minute
*Hold 'bridge' for as long as possible
I record the results of each and then I attempt to double (or significantly increase) the total reached by next Sunday. I'm told its done by footballers over a six week period but I'm gonna try it in a week.
So basically- I get up in the morning and do pushups, situps, pullups, tricep lifts and bridge holds until I'm exhausted- then I repeat at night. I continue this until Sunday when I reattempted to break my record.
Easy peesey...
I'll include diagrams or something in the blog post as this is all very hard to visualize and even harder to explain... :S