Monday, September 20, 2010

Pick this...

Challenge: Learn to lockpick a door in a week using only two bobby pins.

Difficulty: Varied... easy enough though.

Overview: 'Thief' was a game where you had to sneak around and rob stuff from people. This game was legendary in the sense that you... well... got to sneak around and rob stuff from people. I think that within each of us exists the notion that if one could break and enter somewhere, and not get caught, then one would. I figured the first step to achieving this lifelong ambition was to learn how to pick a lock... also if that's not everyone's secret ambition then make sure to lock up your shit cus I'm probably going to steal it.

Where does one learn how to pick a lock?

Well you could take out a book... or you could just Youtube 'how to pick a lock with a bobby pin'...
(thanks to szxxxx for this incredibly helpful tutorial- also loving the tunes)

So how hard is it? (He said without giggling) It's 'surprisingly' not... on interior doors... meanwhile on exterior doors it's proven to be somewhat more challenging. If you see diagram at the beginning you'll notice 'pins'... more 'pins' means more 'pain-in-the-ass'... exterior doors have more 'pins'... hence more 'pain-in-the-ass'... you get the picture...

I attempted unlocking our front door but when I felt the bobby pin about to crack I decided it best not to agitate my parents by having them install a new lock...

So I'll reattempt that little challenge on my Kuwait door...

If I ever get there...

IN SHORT - the reason for my non-existent posting the last few weeks has been that I've been delayed in getting across to Kuwait for work. This delay has caused me to enter a place I like to call 'limbo.' While in limbo- one does not want to do anything except watch TV and feel sorry for oneself....

Well limbo is officially over.

As is Ramadan.

But that's just coincidence...

It's good to be back.

Gotta love Youtube.