Friday, December 4, 2009

Bring it on...

Greetings and welcome to my blog... here's the back-story for the crap that's going down in 2010...

So about three weeks ago I started thinking about what I was going to do with myself next year and I realized that I couldn't actually list the things I'd done this year... sure I'm halfway through my teaching diploma... and sure I went to Canada for a few months... and wasn't there some event in March? or April? or May? 

El facto is- I don't remember much of anything (I also hereby announce that I DO NOT KNOW your birthday- facebook does- thank it, not me). I figure that although all the events of last year were probably fantabulous awesome- the fact remains that while I undertook various projects, I still lived my life in the typical, slightly repetitive, method which I've formulated for myself over the last 22 years. 

So- in essence- this blog is designed to change that- for better or for worse.

My aim goal objective (73 word score) is to undertake a new challenge EVERY week for the entire year. Reasoning behind this is that it should break any 'pattern' I've formed for myself over the past years. YOU (as the sexy reader) are asked to 'Bring it on...'

Why such a provocative statement? Why the hell not... 

So- as example challenges: "Be vegetarian for a week," or "Go for a run every morning for a week," or "Learn a foreign language for a week," or "Play the lotto everyday for a week," or "No tea/coffee/alcohol for a week." Etc etc...

Pretty simple eh? So I want suggestions from YOU and I'll try accomplish that goal over the year 2010 at some point. I'll then blog about the challenge and rate its difficulty and whether or not it is worth doing/actually possible.

The suggestions you put forward can be as mundane or mental as you want. All I want is a suggestion box to work from. The pro for you is that you get to watch me suffer (in some make, shape or form) for a year. 

Some ground rules though... (sigh)

1.) Challenge begins at midnight Sunday night and finishes at midnight on Friday. (That's 120 hours) The reasoning for this is that, like work, I get two days off for myself to either recover from the challenge or to prepare for the next one.
2.) Challenges which can get me fired or arrested are not allowed.
3.) Challenges which are pure dangerous/stupid are not allowed. (e.g. hit self with hammer everyday for a week)
4.) Challenges cannot be too expensive (MAX €50 a week). I WILL do one or two expensive challenges during the year- but they'll be pre-planned and well funded by then.... hopefully.
5.) Challenges must be 'measurable.' Challenges which wouldn't count would be "Drink half the amount of tea you usually drink" or "Scare yourself silly." Whereas "Drink no tea" and "Watch a scary movie every night" are both eligible.

Anyway- there's probably more rules to follow but I'll cross that bridge when it sets fire...


Posts/Comments saying the following...

"Steve... you're awesome (optional- but highly recommended)... I challenge you to [insert challenge here]. My reasoning for this challenge is [insert reason here]. Hugs, kisses and all that, [your name here]"

Any questions?

Bring it on...

2010 - The year of the tiger.

P.S. First 'blog' ever... so assume speelling errors, grammatical mistakes! and poor judgement. Which leads me to...


  1. Wear all your clothes ( all of them ) Inside out for a week.. naturally you can wear your shoes the right way around..

  2. Survive on the 'Slim Fast' diet for a week.

  3. Other external suggestions given to me include:

    * Learn to juggle in a week - suggested by Pauric

    * Change my sleep pattern to 4 hours awake with 20 minute naps to break it up - polyphasic sleep pattern. (Idea from Neil Strauss's book "The game") - suggested by Pauric

    * Get from level 1 to level 80 in "World Of Warcraft" in a week - suggested by Rebecca

    * Become a vegan for a week - suggested by Yvonne

    * Don't use modern technology for a week. Essentially: camp out, make own fire, no phone, no shower, no toilet, etc. - suggested by Dad

    And many others which I've forgotten to write down...

    My own personal ones I'm throwing into the pot include:

    * Buy the lotto for a week

    * Learn to knit - and knit a scarf in a week (inspired by Susan)

    * Learn the sax/drums/violin for a week and be able to perform a popular known sax song by the end of the week

    * Don't talk for a week

    * Give up tea and coffee for a week

    * Walk the width of Ireland in a week (280km)

    * Don't eat for a week

    And many more...

    Cheers to people that have suggested stuff so far- and please keep sending me ideas!


  4. Develop a videogame in a week! For a real challenge, use Java or C#. Though RPG Maker would be acceptable if that's too much.

  5. Make up a word and spread it into common usage.

  6. You can't not eat for a week. That's ridiculous. Why are you so ridiculous steve.... Not eat... You're crazy.

    How about: Drink only rum for a week. (You may have one pint of water a day)


  7. Learn how to introduce and talk about yourself for approx 3-6 mins in another language of your choice in one week. Your pronounciation and grammar must be acceptable so if its French, for example, you can't just say the words like an Oirish person. Do it in Japanese!!! From Gary.

  8. or Sign language!! That would be well hard.

  9. It appears that the average number of steps taken by a person during a day is just over 7000, you could try to take no more than 3000 steps per day OR take no less than like 20,000. The latter is a lot of walking..for me, it might be ok for you.

  10. pick one person every day for the week and do 10 nice things for them on their actual designated day.

  11. Susan says to learn piano for a week.

    Oh, wait....

  12. How about...

    1): Believe absolutely, and without question, everything your brother Dave tells you for a week.

    Now there's a challenge, not very measurable though.


    2): Learn at least one item of basic car maintenance/repair for a week. Suggestions could include:

    - inflating tyres to correct pressure (surprising how many people can't do this)
    - topping up oil/coolant etc
    - changing tyres
    - changing spark plugs
    - changing oil
    - changing air filter

    Basicall, teach yourself how to service a car. It'll a): teach you a little something in basic car maintenance and b): save you a fortune - you can avoid paying a mechanic to do it for you.



  13. 1. You should see how often you can incorporate a word like 'cock' or 'ass muncher' into daily coversation.

    2. You could also learn how to pick pocket and break into cars etc.


  14. Damn Yvonne! That was my one... Veganism is very hard. I think you should definitely try it. Now I must think of another suggestion...


  15. do a stand up comedy routine, like an open mic night

    and if has to be be within the-week-parameters-thingy, you can write and practise material throughout the week


    John McKeown

  16. Ok heres a few for ya,

    1. Play through 2 full Final Fantasy titles from FFVII onwards within a week.

    2. Watch 5 seasons of 24 in a week.

    3. Learn to unicycle. And should you crack that within 2 days, learn to juggle while unicycling.

    4. Remember that 2000 calorie meal myself and you had for your birthday in TGIs in new york? You always seemed almost a little disgusted with yourself for eating such a huge amount of calories in 1 meal. For this reason I suggest you eat 4 times your GDA for a week. Thats about 8000 calories a day. You can exercise all you want, but you cant burn any off to drop under 8000 for a day.

    5. Become a virgin (cause thats what i thought when i saw yvonnes vegan suggestion).

    6. Oh yea... Drop it like its hot everyday for a week, in a public place. (Dropping it like its hot is whatever you feel it to be, but there has to be some hip movement in there).

    7. Set up a social networking webpage on whatever site you wish and by the end of the year become the most viewed profile in 2010. It doesnt matter how you achieve it...the more underhanded and socially horrible the better i think.

    8. I think this was one of claires ones and if so im sure ill get a bollocking from her but audition for the x-factor, britains got talent, the all ireland talent show and if theres any other such shocking tv talent shows.

    9. Burn off all your body fat. PURE MUSCLE!!!

    Ok that last one isnt really a 1 week jobbie, so disregard if you wish. Ill come back with more!

  17. about....

    (1)Spending a week in a wheelchair.

    (2)Spending a week living outdoors.

    (3)Writing a screenplay and casting, shooting and editing the film in a week. (has to be a respectable length and have an actual plot!)
